Get to know the girl behind the glamour #2

Hello everyone!

I just realised I’ve forgotten to do another get to me piece (my bad!). So here is the second installment of get to know the girl behind the glamour.

Ok, so just to recap, in the first piece I explained about how I feel blogging helps both my depression and social anxiety (if you haven’t read it yet you can find it in my previous posts).

In this piece I will be stating my future goals! πŸ™‚

  1. Buy my own home– I want to buy instead of rent because at least with buying it’s mine and I can have pets, decorate without having to check with someone else first, etc, and I just think it makes more sense to pay my own mortgage rather than someone elses’.
  2. A promotion– It’s not too much to ask it? Having someone believe in you, your potential and allowing you the opportunity to show your worth.
  3. Get married– I think this is probably the goal of most people in all fairness but I’ve wanted to be married by the age 0f 18, unfortunately that hasn’t worked out, I was engaged and in fact have a wedding dress I’m still currently paying for but the guy in question is now out of the picture (don’t worry, I’m with a far better guy now!).
  4. Have children– Again, probably a goal that most people have, I want 2 girls and 1 boy haha πŸ™‚
  5. Have a successful career doing something I love– It’s brilliant having a job yes, the independence it gives you, you can save up, buy what you want, etc, However, I’ve had a LOT of jobs in my life and I’m desperate to find something that I actually enjoy, something I love doing. I don’t know what that will be yet, I do have an interest in fashion and I am very creative but sadly there aren’t any sort of fashion industry opportunities here in Bristol. Maybe one day though….

And that’s it! My 5 goals for the future πŸ™‚ I hope this has been somewhat interesting/readable. Please give it a like if it has been and recommend my blog to your friends too πŸ™‚